You are in the dev directory and the realizes "npm run dev "won't work and you scratching your head. I have been there as well. I even tried to force it hoping to get it through. Follow the steps bellow

  • 1-Create file in your dev environment in your dev folder as in the screenshot bellow
  • 2-I called the file .env and then enter the following line: SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK =true; and the save 

  • 1- Launch PowerShell and cd to your dev folder

In my case it was just a practice project on my desktop

pwd to locate where I was and the

  • cd Desktop
  • cd to DevCage
  • cd project
  • and then "run npm start "and then wait
  • A new tab will open with a localhost:3000 url and then your local environment will launch
  • A few seconds later your will get a "compiled successfully message on PowerShell and you will be ready to go