By Asksouley on Thursday, 27 January 2022
Category: Graphics & Images

What the Heck is .HEIC file format?

Some of you must have encountered an image file with the. heic and wondering what the heck is this? HEIC is an extension of HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format.HEIC files contain several images saved under the HEIF.

In general, HEIF most of the time are used to store photos on Apple's iOS devices and contains images generated by an Apple hardware camera such as an iPhone or and iPad along with the metadata of the images.  HEIF help save images at a higher quality in small size files compared to the traditional .JPEG format that we are all use to therefore helps us save the save on memory storage on our mobile devices. In 2017

with the release of the iOS 11, HEIF was made the default file format for storing images on Apple devices.

When HEIF support was added to macOs, google and Microsoft all added support for Android and Windows. However, on Windows, and HEIF extension is needed.

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